Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Clown Attack Revisited..

This event happened a few years ago but I came across it and laughed so hard that I thought I'd share it here.. I hope everyone enjoys my terror this event brought on.  I wrote this only a few moments after.

-OK I'm home safe and this deserves the whole story. I walked out of my apartment and started walking down Chicago Ave to the store because it's Saturday and I'm out of beer. Next thing I know I hear (excuse the pun) a bunch of clowning around behind me. I turn to look what's going on and I saw 4 clowns and a guy in a chicken costume. I was almost to my destination when I heard “let’s clown him!” Next thing I know I got splattered in the face with something. I touched my face and it was covered in white clown makeup. If that wasn’t bad enough I had an instant flashback to 2 things. #1 PENNYWISE! and #2 my Grandmother who after the movie decided it would be best for me to dress up as a clown the year after "It" came out to help me to overcome my issue with clowns. Without knowing what was happening I reached out and grabbed one of the clowns by the face (you don’t want to touch the clown suit ever.. I can only picture it being covered in clown jizz.) That was when the crazy stuff started. There was a shopping cart with clown gear tipped over, rubber chickens, balloons you name it everywhere. The worst thing is nobody was helping me! Everyone stood and watched as I was attacked by 4 clowns and guy in a chicken suit! I urge everyone in Chicago to help a stranger when being attacked by clowns! (The chicken suit thing is just weird!)

This was right after the event.  I was in shock!  You can still see where I was hit in the face with the paint.
This is when I got home and could actually see what the evil clowns had done to me. 

Ah the clown makeup.  Always remember when you find yourself in a fight with a clown reach for the face!

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